
An entrepreneur looks at the world differently than everyone else.  We’re “chief cook AND bottle washer” as my Dad always used to say.  We do it all.  Dad also said that there were three types of people he didn’t trust, “Lawyers, Doctors and Revenuers”.   While I was in college, I worked for a lawyer; while finishing my last college semester and for the next couple of years, I worked for some doctors, and after that, I worked in the Wisconsin Department of Revenue before going into public accounting.  Some years later, it all made sense to me when I heard of a wise American Indian saying, “we fear that which we do not know.”  Instinctively, I had set out to conquer my Dad’s fears, to get to know that which he didn’t.  The mission of this blog is to do the same, to provide knowledge about those taxing issues so that they are not something to be feared, but rather to be managed, and minimized.  And the picture above…..you can’t see me, but I’m at the doors of the US Treasury Department, on the 4th of July 2009…..visiting the DC area for the first time in my life, to attend my baby brother’s wedding later in the day.  I just had to see where all my tax dollars were going…..

One response to “About

  1. Great advice by your father and looks like you are a natural researcher all GOOD…

    hope spring is finding you A-OK…

    and i see LIFEFORCE is still alive and kicking strongly

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